How to Find a Reputable Moving Company

The moving company you choose can make the difference between a successful, relatively stress-free move, and one that is difficult and results in the loss or damage of your belongings. While there are many moving companies to choose from, you still need to research many of them to find out which is the best moving company for you. You should always pick a reputable moving company. You can find most of the information you need to inform your decision online and on the Better Business Bureau website. You should also talk to neighbors to find out which moving company they used for their last move and get a sense of how satisfied they were with the moving process.

While picking a moving company that has a less than stellar reputation can save money upfront, you could end up paying in headaches and dollars later on. Many people who have hired a dishonorable so-called moving company have ended up with their belongings being stolen. On moving day, the movers arrive and fill their truck with a household’s worth of valuable items like flat screen televisions and expensive furniture. Many of these items sell easily on the black market. Of course, the moving company never arrives at the new destination and the family loses all of their belongings.

While your discount moving company may not steal your belongings, you may have to deal with major inconveniences later on in the moving process. Whenever you get a discount mover, make sure they have insurance. Reputable moving companies can offer you insurance that will cover you if some of your items are lost or stolen. Many times, the “man with a van” moving services, and smaller, new moving companies do not have good enough insurance to replace your items if they are lost or broken. You may end up having to pay out-of-pocket for a new flat screen TV if your uninsured moving company
drops it and breaks the screen while unloading it from the truck.

While there are many red flags to look out for when picking a moving company, one of the biggest is when moving companies insist on giving you an over-the-phone estimate. Any reputable moving company will want to come to your house and give you an estimate in person after taking a look at the items you will be moving. This is by far the most accurate way to estimate the final cost of a move. Companies that insist on doing estimates on the phone may be setting you up for a scam.

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